Della Kurtz was my grandmother who was born in Muncy, Lycoming, Pennsylvania on 29 October 1886. She was the daughter of Emanuel D. Kurtz and Mary Etta Deewall.
Della married John F. Shaffner in 1913.
These are her report cards
Top Left: Second Intermediate 1896-1897
Middle top: Freshman
Top Right: Sophomore 1902-1903
Bottom Left: Junior 1903-1904
Bottom Right: Senior 1904-1905
Her diploma from Department of Public Schools
Della Kurtz 1905
Donee wrote that Aunt Edith (Della's sister) gave the picture to Donnee when she graduated from High School
Della Kurtz's Salutatory speech in 1905

Della's High School Graduation
Della's Diploma in 1905