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Showing posts with label John Lloyd. Show all posts
Showing posts with label John Lloyd. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

#9-2020 Disaster. The Meek Cutoff Oregon Trail

#9-2020. Disaster. Terrible Trail: the Meek Cutoff, 1845

The trail that my 3rd Great Grandfather, John Lloyd,  took on the way to Oregon.  The Meek Cutoff was a major disaster for many who traversed that portion of the Oregon Trail.

Stephen Meek, a frontiersman, was hired as a guide in Missouri for wagons trains in 1845 but apparently he was fired when they reached Fort Boise.  Being out of work, led him to convince several captains of trains that he knew a shorter route to the Williamette Valley and they hired him as a guide.  I am sure that the travelers were tired, hot and dusty by the time they reached Fort Boise.  They knew that there was tough passage through the Blue Mountains, a long trail down the Columbia River to the Williamette Valley.  Many were quick to jump at the chance of getting there faster and easier.  But little did they know of the bad fortune that would occur.

The Meek Cutoff wound across the high desert area of Oregon, heading northwest to the Williamette Valley.  Stephen Meek had some idea of where to go, but there were many problems on the trail.  The trail was difficult, water was impossible to find in many areas, many people were sick and it was hot and dry.  Without water, many oxen gave up and died.  There were people upset with the guide, threatening to kill him.  

The wagon train had endured many hardships on the trip, but the lack of water, fatigue and running low on provisions began to take a toll on the pioneers.  It was even reported that in desperation many put salt on grass for food.  

As John Lloyd set out from Missouri, with his 2 wagons and 10 family members, what was he thinking?

Was he thinking of the difficult trails ahead of him, the length of the trip, the hardships endured and the possibility that they might not make it to Oregon?  Was the promise of a better future or opportunity or prosperity so enticing, that one would think only of the end result, not of the trip?

John and family set out in 1845 with the “The Savannah Oregon Emigrating Society” that was also known as the “Tetherow Train”.  Solomon Tetherow was the captain [not a guide] for the main body of wagon for the full distance.  What was his experience and qualifications?

From Captain Tetherow’s journal, a wagon train rule required each outfit to have 100-150 lbs of flour, 75 lbs of meal and 50 lbs of bacon for every person.

John Lloyd was elected to the executive council of the “Savannah Oregon Emigrating Society” at a meeting on the Missouri bottom on 28 April 1845.  Many of the people listed on the wagon train roster were somehow connected to the Lloyd family, mostly by marriage.  Since the number of wagons was large, they were broken down into 4 platoons, each with captains,so a hollow square could be easily formed every night,  

In Lewis A. McArthur, “Mary’s  River,” Oregon Georgraphic Names, Portland, Oregon, Oregon Historical Society, 1952 edition,, p. 389 states that St. Clair and John Lloyd were alternate captains of the last platoons to take the Cutoff.  

John wrote to his brother, Robert, in Rutledge, Grainger County, Tennessee on 25 March 1847 from Polk County, Oregon Territory.

(I assume this is the first letter written from Oregon Territory to his brother.)

He stated that they were 6 months and 3 days from the time they left their old home until we got to Linton on the Williamette.  They had no more bad luck than is common for Oregon immigrants.  They lost 18 head of cattle out of 37 and one horse.  They found the road passable but many bad places.  He went on stating that neither of his wagons got turned over on the trip.  It is without timber most of the way.  He stated that there were about 700 wagons, 10 or 12,000 head of cattle, a good many horses and mules, little rain and dust in abundance.  He also stated that they did not all travel in the same company but in a good many small companies.  He said they were not molested by the Indians but they stole a good many horses.  He continues by saying that they crossed all the waters that we came to without any difficulty except green river and deshoots (Deschutes) and they rafted across the green river but had to take their wagons apart to cross the deshoots.  John stated that their provisions held out well with the exception of “flower” (flour) which got somewhat scare.  He stated that they had bacon, coffee, sugar, tea rice and dried fruit after we got to our Journeys end.  The trip from the states to Oregon is a journey that can be performed with very little ease.  

While John endured hardships, his letter indicates that they were on the Meek Cutoff as he wrote they had to take apart the wagons to cross the Deschutes river.  All the members of his family arrived in Oregon so while they watched disasters around them, they were safe.  

If you are interested in the Meek Cutoff of 1845, I have listed the sources that I have used.  They are very interesting ready to understand the hardships that the pioneers endured crossing the Plains to prosperity.

Clark, Keith and Lowell Tiller, Terrible Trail:  The Meek Cutoff, 1845.  Caldwell, Idaho: The Caxton Printers LTD, 1967

Wikipedia, (, “Meek Cutoff”, viewed 23 February 2020.

Lockley, Fred.  Captain Sol. Tetherow, Wagon Train Master.  Pamphlet. (Portland, Oregon: Fred Lockley) no date.  

The story was even made into a movie!

Monday, September 26, 2016

A letter from the Oregon Territory on 14 November 1852

John Lloyd from Benton County, Oregon Territory is writing to brother, Robert in Grainger County, Tennessee.

Nancy and John Lloyd went to Oregon via the Oregon Trail in 1845.  They never saw their daughter Jane again.  She had married before they left Missouri to George Murphy.  He writes that his father in law, Abner Walker has been dead over 3 years and Cousin William Smith and his wife are both dead.  He is amazed his parents are still alive.  

The price for commodities is very interesting:  Wheat is $3.00 a bushel (not much different than today's prices!)  Beef is 8 cents per pound on the hoof.  Donation land was awarded to those who were on the land before December 1, 1851 and must remain on the land for 4 years.  Head of household received 320 acres if they settled between December 1, 1851 and 1853.  And he said that the best land in his area has been claimed.

To:  Mr. Robert Lloyd
                Rutledge  Granger County  Tennessee

Return address:  Jennopolis O.T.
                                Nov 30 52

Oregon Territory   Benton County November 14 1852
Dear Brother and Sisters and to all the family connection  
this leaves me and mine in moderate health through the mercies of an indulgent god hopeing this may find you and yours in health and prosperity
   Dear Brother  we received yours of July 27th  October the 31 with pleasure as it was the first we had received in 3 or 4 years   we never expected to hear that both of our aged parents was a living again   the young may die but the old must die and our brother in law has falling victimz to the monster death  while our aged and feeble parents is still on the stage of action   my family connection in Oregon is all well except William Miller that married daughter Eliza   his health is bad and fear will never be good   he has a consumption  the childrain is all making out well   our oldest Daughter Jane that was married in  Missouri still remains there   they talk of coming to Oregon if they can sell their land but I think it is ___ certain about their coming   Cousin William Smith and wife is both ded   Abner Walker father in law has been ded over three years  there has been the largest emegration this season that ever came to Oregon in one year  they were not molested by indians on what is called the north rout but the Indians killed 11 men on the South rout  no women or children murdered that I have learnt     the  ____nation  (emegration) suffered much with sicknez and there has been quite a number of deaths among them  they are all into the settlement by this time as I am told  there teams failed and they got out of provisions all the latter part of emegration lost probably over half of their cattle that is take them one with another   they must have suffered in the extreme if had not been for the hospitality of the people in the valley who contributed largely in money and provisions  also went out with teams and helped them across the mountains
I will now say something about my own affairs    we are doing well and getting on well as respect the things of this fife  I have put up a good house which is in an unfinished state though we are living in it  I have got it weathered  boarded the chimneys up windows in floars in not laid  doors shutters hung in part I have done the work or nearly so with the exception of the chimneys I suppose it will take me until next fall to complete the house and paint it off
Dear Brother Oregon is a remarkable easy country to live in particularly for those that has many cattle   a man in Oregon with good milch cows can realize more clear money free head from them than he can from the labor  the same number of Negro men in the states unless it is in cotton or sugar growing states   cows sell here from 75 to 100 heifer calves of good stock at weaning time can not be purchased at $50  per head   I would like to buy some at this time at the above named prices if I knew where to find them    wheat crops was light this season  wheat is worth $3 per bushel which sets hard on the new emegrants  though them that has been in the country long enough to get a good start can pay $3 easier than to pay 50 cts in the states   I will try to give prices of produce and groceryes   coffe 331/3 cts   sugar 12 ½ cts  butter 50 cts  cheese  371/2 cts   beef is worth 8 cts per pound on foot  hogs $8 per hundred    grass oats $1.25 per bushel  Irish potatoes $2 and 2   50 cts per bushel in market  beef in market is worth 12 to 15 cts  groceryes is unusualy high at this time  I purchased my groceryes last season at the following prices  coffe 10 cts   sugar  10 1/3 cts  syrup 28 cts  dried fruit 10 cts  salt $2 per hundred   course boots $2 to 3 per pair  rice 10 cts per pound  dry goods has been low for some years past but is scarce and high at this time though there is plenty to supply the wants of people  dry goods and groceryes has been shipped to this country in abudance here tofore and sometimes they could not get anything like cost for their goods-I will say Oregon is a healthy country there is but few fevers among the people though consumption and breast complaints is not very uncomon  I have not seen the first of fever in the country yet there is some cases of fever in Oregon   Dear Brother you requested me to give you some information about Oregon   I have nothing new to write as respect the country   I wrote to you about the donation Bill which gives 640 acres of land to heads of family who settled on the same prior to the 1stt day of December 1851 and remains on the same four years     Said Bill Allso gives 320 acres to heads of families who settles on the same between the 1st day of December 1851 and 1853 at which time the donation Bill (proves) (expores)  the best of the land is claimed in the section of the country where we live-- ---
  We have three childrain living with us the youngest which is Boys they are going to school at this time  
Nancys health is not good yet she is in better health at this time than what she has been in for the three past    I have enjoyed very good health generally speaking   through life I am now in my fifty seventh year have worked very hard most of the time and do more work at this time than any man of my age that I am aquainted with but I am failing fast  and in a little time my Sun will set to rise no more   we wish to be remembered to father and Mother and all the family connection  may heavens shortest blessings rest upon and abide you all so fare you well excuse bad writing and selling omision of words  JC
                                                                John Lloyd
                                                                Nancy Lloyd

These original letters were digitized and have been donated to Fort Walla Walla Museum in Walla Walla, Washington

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Another letter from Oregon dated April 29, 1852 One hundred sixty four years ago!

John Lloyd was writing to his brother Robert Lloyd and his brother in law, Benjamin Mitchel (who was married to Anny Lloyd)  from Marysville, Benton County, Oregon

To:  Robert Lloyd or Benjamin Mitchel
                                Granger County Rutledge Tennessee

Return address:   ______ Wils
                                Oregon  ______1852

Oregon Territory  Benton County April the 29
Dear  Brothers and Sisters also parents if alive   this leaves me and mine in the enjoyment of moderate health through the mercies of god hopeing this may find you all in health and prosperity
It does look like my relations have forgot to write to us for we have not received any letters from any of the connection in east Tennessee in the last 3 years we have wrote several times we get letters from North Carolina and Missouri if you have not learnt it I can inform you that father in law has been dead 2 or 3 years      Cousin Betsy Smith died about a year ago     I have wrote to you stating our youngest daughter Melinda was dead but as we have no evidence of our own letters coming to hand we will state again that Melinda died July 4, 1850 with the consumption not long before she was takin sick she embraced a hope which hope we have as an anchor of the soul both Sure and Steadfast and which entereh into that within the veil wither the foreruner for us is entered. 
   As to my health it has been generally very good my wife’s health has been bad for several years though rather better than somon  at this time      yet we are going down the Steeps of time and our sun will get to rise no more      we have not joined any church since we came to Oregon as there is no church in reach of us but the Methodists and all the most of them knows about religion I think is to talk about it if the Methodists would learn to do as well as to say and wach as well as to pray or rather coming over a form of prayers they would be less objectionable with me but to their to own master they stand or fall
I can inform you that Nancy Mculloch and her daughter Mary has joined the Baptist church   I will now say a little about Oregon  where the grass grows through out the year with the exception of July August and September and the last named month also if we have rain which is seldom the past  grass has been good for the last three years so we have no feeding of cattle and horses to do   Oregon is an easy country to live in money plenty porvisions plenty of groceryes plenty and cheap inproportion to the money in the country   I will give you a short history of prices   horses comon from 150 to 250 dollars    sows and calves 50 to 75 dollars    oxen 100 to 150 dollars   bacon 25 cts per pound    sugar 8 to 12 cts per pound   coffy  19 to 18 cts per pound  labor  2 dollars per day     gold is easy obtained in the county and the gold brings  the merchant dire of all nations to California and Oregon
  My dear relations I have no expectations of ever seeing any of you in this life   god almighty has blessed us with the good things of this world in abundance since we came to Oregon       may god bless you all both Spiritualy  and temporaly and grant that it may be all your happy lots to live as you would wish to die  so fare you will      
                                                John Lloyd
                                                Nancy Lloyd

write to me and direct your letters to Benton County  Marysville  Oregon Territory

Yes, these are the original letters and I transcribed them the best I could!  Some portions are hard to read.

But we learn how difficult it was to communicate across the miles in April of 1852.  Can you imagine going years without knowing about your parents or your family?

I learned that he has a Cousin Betsy Smith and that is daughter died of consumption.  And he wasn't fond of Methodists!

Nancy Mculloch and her daughter, Mary,  joined the Baptist Church.  Somehow they are related, but I am still working on that!  I do know his mother's maiden name was Mculloch.

The price of commodities in Oregon is interesting! Sugar is 8 to 12 cents per pound! (today's market price is from 74 cents to $1.00)   Coffee is 19 to 18 cents per pound.  And people worked for $2.00 a day.  And gold is easily obtained!

And no expectations of ever seeing family again.  

But the best part is having their signatures.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

1847 letter from Oregon-169 years old

A letter from Oregon in 1847 from my 3rd Great Grandfather.

The letter gives information was to where he was at on the 25th of March, 1847.

We know that he traveled on the Oregon Trail in 1846 and it took them 6 months and 3 days to get to Linton on the Willamette.  

They lost 18 head of cattle but started with 37 head.  And 1 horse died.

Although the letter is hard to read, I think that they traveled 1200 miles rather than 200.

An interesting fact was that 700 wagons and 10-12,000 head of cattle trailed to Oregon and I am assuming in 1846.  He states that dust was in abundance.  I can imagine!

Although they were not attacked by Indians, they had horses stolen by the Indians.

The wagons crossed the Green River and the Deschutes River.  Other information states they were on the Meeks Terrible Trail.  

I like the statement that the trip from the states to Oregon is a journey that can be performed with very little ease.  

And it took planning to get the letters to Oregon; they had to be in Elm Grove, Clay County, Missouri by March as no emigration after late April to Oregon!

John and family were busy farmers!  I bet his cows liked the green grass of Oregon after a dusty trail.

He let his brother know that his oldest daughter, Jane, married to George Murphy, did come west as planned.  His daughters Mary Ann and Nancy were married the same day.

Postmark:  St Joseph  MO  JUL
Address:  Mr. Robert Lloyd
                Tennessee Granger County Rutledge

Polk County  Oregon Territory  March the 25th  1847
Dear Brother and Sister Father & Mother and all the family connection  the time is drawing nigh that we expect to have the oportunely of sending you a few lines to let you know that we are all well at time through the mercies of god so far as health  ______hoping those _____ may find you all enjoying the same blessed.
Dear relationz I have but little of deep interest to relate but will try to give all the satisfactions I can as to our travels and country climate & production.  We was 6 months and 3 days from the time we left our old home untill we got to linton on the Wallumette___ river we had no bad luck more than is common for Oregon imegrants  we lost 18 head of cattle out of 37 and one horse  we found the road ____able (passable) good nataral one but many bad places _____ wagons to travel and had to drive teams at times   neither of my wagons got  turned over on the trip the distance from the states to the Wallumette valey is at the lowest calculation  200 miles and is almost without timber the most part of the way—fire __at ________in man ______we always made out to get something too ____ water and grass is tolerble  plenty in _______________in  places we got to water ___________________but two their was something__________in our emegrution  about 700 waggons  10 or 12,000 head of cattle a good many horses and mules but little rain and dust in abudance   We did not travel all the same company but was in a good many small companyes     we was not molested by the Indians on the way  onley they stole a good many horses we crossed all the waters that we came to without any difficulty expect green river and deshouts river we rafted across green river had to take our wagons to peaces to get across   deshoots  our provisions held out well with the expection of flower which got some what scarce   we had bacon coffe sugar tea rice and dried fruit  after we got to our Journeys end      The trip from the states to Oregon is a Journey that can be performed with very little ease  I made an arangement before I left Missouri respecting letter   Dear Brother if you want to write to me and direct your letters to Missouri Clay County Elm Grove as heretofore and they will be sent on to me  write in time for the letters to reach Missouri in March as there is no mail from the states to Oregon and the emegration states about the last of April from the states to this country which is the case every spring  the climate of Oregon is very mild  I do not know what the ground has been frose more than one inch deep since we came to the country  no more the first winter we came to is Jeneraly a great deal of rain in the winter time ____ _____ low___lu  jeneraly speaking but some time _______________ hard but the rains never lats_____________in this country as it does in _______________a warm wet country in _______ and two cool in the summer for corn to grow  _________ it is a good country for wheat oats barley but as wheat timothy clover ___ hemp fields I ___ potatoes turnups cabbge parinips beets   __C.  the grass commences growing in the fall season   grass on until Apriil or May  dies in July or August this is great country for horses cattle and sheep but a poor country for hogs without feed there is no cattle feed in this country that I know of  the cattle that we broght to this country with us there was many of them good beef in March though they was poor when we got here  I will say something about my own affairs  we have settled on as sightey place as any I have seen in Oregon  fenced in 43 acres of land  broke up about 30 the first spring sowed 18 or 19 in spring wheat planted the balance in corn and other thingz  made a sorry crop I was two late getting my crop in the ground  we wrote to North carolina and Tennessee last spring   George Murphey that married Jane did not come to this country last fall as they expected  I got my knee hurt last fall and it is not well at this time  it was hurt in the joint  I can walk about but can not plow though I think I shall be able to plow in a month or two  my family appears to be satisfied with their move as to myself I can not say that   I am very well pleased with Oregon but expect to die here   Mary Ann was married the day of last June to John Foster and Nancey the same day to Thomas Reeves   they both have settled in a mile or two of us   Abner our oldest son is gone to do for himself so we have but five childrain with us  we have but little preach in this country only by m_________ and they care not for the flock ____________ them well as it is common for the  ____ing to leave the sheep    when the walumette  owing to the great distance that I have wandered from my connection I never expect to see any of them again in this life and may god grant that it may be all our happy lots to meet on Canaans happy shore where parting will be feared  and felt no more may god almighty bless you  all
                                                                John Lloyd
                                                                Nancy Lloyd

As to the health of the country it is not seveprass  ed  I do not think by any parts of the world

Mr. Williams your old neighbor is in this country

Thursday, July 21, 2016

1844 letter-John Lloyd to Robert Lloyd

One hundred seventy two years ago, my 3rd great grandfather wrote this letter.

A letter from John Lloyd to his brother Robert.
I transcribed the letter exactly as it was written.

The letter is important because it tells when John was in Missouri and where he lived.
It states that his sister Mary and Brother Abner were deceased.  
John lists his children and I can figure the birth date of William Walker.  He lists his daughter Jane's marriage and her husband as well as their baby's name.

Lots of information about his crops and the county he lived in.

He also gives information concerning other family members, the Smith's and McCullocks.  McCullock was his mother's maiden name.

Can you imagine writing to your parents that you never expect to see them again?

To:  Mr. Robert Lloyd
       Tennesse Grandger Co  Rutledge

Return Address:  Elm Grove, MO
                              June 22nd

State of Missouri    Clay County   June 10th       1844

Dear Brother and Sister
We avail ourselves of the present opportunity of letting you know that we are all well at this time   through the services of god  hoping these few lines you all enjoying the like blessing.
Dear Brother   We have nothing of deep interest to relate   it has been a long time  since we have rote to you and sill longer since we have heard from you   with the exception of some man that passed throgh  _______county about 12 months.   Since who told an acquaintence of  mine that he lived in the neighborhood of  Father’s and all the connection was well when he left home  the last letter we got stated the death of sister Mary and Brother Abner.   Dear Brother you say to me your health was not good but better than what it had been  I have great reason to be thanksful for my health is as good as I would wish it with vctfition I am sometimes afflicted with biles  Nancy health has not been as good through the winter and spring as she has som only enjoyed but better than it was for several years after  we waz first married 
We have 9 childrain whose names is as follows  Jane, Mary Ann, Abner Thomas, Nancy, Eliza, Malinda, Albert Galiton, John Calvin, William Walker who is the baby & was three years old 21st of last February and a bad prospect for any more childrain at this time   Jane was married last December two years ago two a man by the name of George Murphy  they live nine miles from us they have got a home of there own and is making out very well   they have one child which will be two years old this fall  they call his John Calvin   I have dwelled lenthey on the family affairs  I will try to say something about the times and seasons   we had quite a moderate winter the fore part of the spring was very good since that time the weather has been very wet and sometimes so therez a great deal of corn to plant yet I had the good luck to get my corn planted before the wet weather commenced and have it plowed over the second time with the exception of about half a days plowing   there is at thiz time a bad prospect for corn and hemp wheat and oats looks well provision is plenty and money very scarce I have eight or nine thousand pounds of tobacco on hand at this time which will not bring more than two dollars per hundred if that much at this time  I am trying  to raise for  _____ thousand this season  I have as handsone a place as in Clay County
I have built a large frame barn  calculated for a grain barn but is using it as a tobaco barn at this time  the floor when put in will be twenty nine by twenty nine feet and half square as I have a one hundred and twenty or one hundred thirty acres of land under fence but more than one one third of the ground under fence is in pasture   we have a fine grass county  there is vast quantityes of people moveing from Missouri to Oregon and Texas but numbers coming to fill the places   So they are not missed    ______ Platte purchase is the thickest settled county that I was ever in and as good land and water     William Smiths and Nancy Mcullochs familiez was well not long since William Smith has got sick since he came to Missouri   Nancy Mcullochs family is making out well  none of the childsran married but Betcy and Willaim has to go I do not know what has become of him  he left this county over five years ago about marketing  Some hogs that did not belong to him William Smith childrain is all married  that is grown   with the execption of George brother Robert  if this letter comes to hand I want you to let father and Mother and all the connection see it that is convenient to do so   old Aunt Mary Johnson is dead   I have understood aunt Elizabeth Mculloch and her son James lives in the same yard as I am informed and is doing well so I shall change the subject  Very Dear Brother you rote to me that you had made a profession of religion which I was glad to hear when this comes to hand if it does I want you to sete to me and state how you are getting along in your feelings and what your prospects is for heaven and happiness and whether you trust in your acts of obedience for your salvetion or in the efficatious blood of Christ  my reason for being for being so inquisitive is this I do know that there is two grand decisions among the professing past of the people one says fsll glace free grace the other says works as to my hrart I am the one that believes in acts of obedience to follow after juetification but not to be justified for obedient acts my little hope that I obtain in Carolina near twenty five years ago still abides with me and has often afforded me consolation even when I thought that I was in a few minutes of being done with time and time things 
I wish to be remembered to Father and Mother Brothers Sisters nephews nieces and all inquiring friends   we shall add no more but remain you affectionate Brother and Sister while life remains.
                                                                John Lloyd
                                                                Nancy Lloyd

Dear parrents and friends   Mr. Lloyd has rote lenthy but I feel like I want to say sum thing  Dear Parrents I can not say that I have the best expectations of ever seeing you in this life  May the lord of his infinet me try grant we may all be prepare to meet in heven whar grieving for the lofs of departed friends will benomore we are with our two oldest children lafatizt and with them we wish to live and die fare you to well my loving friends   far well  Nancy

The original letters were digitized by the Allen County Public Library with the help of Curt Witcher.
They were donated to Fort Walla Walla Museum in Walla Walla, Washington in 2015
They were handed down through the family.